Entries by IPS

I Am a Change-Maker in My Community and Here’s My Story

Now that I have your attention, I’d like to tell you why and how you should incorporate storytelling into advocating for change in your community through media advocacy. But first, a quick definition of media advocacy. It’s the strategic use of media to advance policy issues that benefit public health and safety. It raises issues […]

IPS wins Los Angeles County Department of Public Health grant to combat dangers of second hand smoke in multi-housing units

LOS ANGELES, April 2021 – Institute for Public Strategies Los Angeles announced it has received a grant to address the harmful effects of second hand smoke and help eliminate its dangers in multiunit housing, such as apartment buildings and condominiums, through prevention and policy. The grant’s objective is to create “a social milieu and legal […]

IPS community organizer appointed to Chula Vista Redistricting Commission and high school district bond oversight committee

SAN DIEGO, February 2021 – Institute for Public Strategies (IPS) South Bay Community Organizer Stelle Andrade has been named the youngest member of the City of Chula Vista Redistricting Commission and was selected to serve on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee for the Sweetwater Union High School District. The redistricting commission is tasked with drawing […]

Black Vaccine Hesitancy Stems from a Long History of Medical Racism

Dr. Susan Moore, a Black medical doctor, recently died of COVID-19. She documented her experience leading up to her death, including being denied pain medication and proper treatment. Despite being a doctor, speaking in medical terms, and understanding the protocols, Dr. Moore was sent home and died just a couple of weeks later. In her […]

Looking to 2021 Through a New Lens

No one could have imagined 2020 would be such a challenging year for our nation. It has been a perfect storm. A once-in-a-century pandemic has exacted fatal tolls and collided with social unrest on a scale unseen in decades. Fault lines drawn long ago have burst at the seams, laying bare the inequality, injustice and […]

Up in Smoke: Marijuana is Erasing Decades of Progress Toward Smoke-Free Environments

Download ‘Up in Smoke’ Infographic. A recent Los Angeles countywide survey of 13,500 residents revealed pervasive public exposure to marijuana* smoke in parks, schools, apartment buildings, business complexes and outdoor spaces. Completed in 2019 by the LA County Prevention Provider Network, the survey found, for adults ages 26 and up: 77% reported smelling marijuana in […]