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IPS’ Latest Page is a resource for prevention specialists, community organizers, and other public health professionals, providing a collection of free webinars with “how to’s” on implementing effective upstream prevention projects, Hot Topics reflecting on some of the most important national public health issues of our time, and Press Releases reporting on our corporate happenings.

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Transgender Remembrance Day, November 20

The Institute for Public Strategies acknowledges and mourns the…
November 19, 2021/by IPS

Immigration is Mutually Beneficial. When will Americans Learn this Lesson?

As seen on the San Diego Union-Tribune.

As “the land of…
October 15, 2021/by IPS

Our Right to Protest is Under Assault

“Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble,…
October 12, 2021/by IPS

Alcohol is Hurting Women

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During this time dedicated…
October 12, 2021/by IPS
Fact or Fiction

Misinformation About COVID-19 is a Crime that Should Have Consequences

As seen on the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Some people’s staunch…
September 27, 2021/by IPS

Vaccination is Our Best Path to Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic

As a public health nonprofit agency working in many diverse communities,…
August 24, 2021/by IPS

Institute for Public Strategies to Present Community Power and Equity Case Study at APHA Annual Conference

SAN DIEGO, August 2021 – An Institute for Public Strategies (IPS) program…
August 24, 2021/by IPS

We’ve Overcome Stigma and Prejudice, Now Let’s Overcome Drugs and Alcohol

Pride Month sprang from the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.…
June 29, 2021/by IPS

Why We as Asian Americans Need to Step Up and Speak Out About Important Issues More Often

As seen in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

My heart was racing,…
May 24, 2021/by IPS

I Am a Change-Maker in My Community and Here’s My Story

Now that I have your attention, I’d like to tell you why and…
April 27, 2021/by IPS

IPS wins Los Angeles County Department of Public Health grant to combat dangers of second hand smoke in multi-housing units

LOS ANGELES, April 2021 – Institute for Public Strategies Los…
April 27, 2021/by IPS
Chula Vista Downtown

IPS community organizer appointed to Chula Vista Redistricting Commission and high school district bond oversight committee

SAN DIEGO, February 2021 – Institute for Public Strategies…
February 9, 2021/by IPS

Wear a Mask for 100 Days: How President Biden’s call to action can restore America’s faith in public health

Wearing a face mask during a pandemic seems like a no-brainer.…
February 9, 2021/by IPS

Black Vaccine Hesitancy Stems from a Long History of Medical Racism

Dr. Susan Moore, a Black medical doctor, recently died of COVID-19.…
February 9, 2021/by IPS
Advancing Equity Examples

Institute for Public Strategies announces the addition of two new board members

SAN DIEGO, December 2020 – Southern California based nonprofit…
December 22, 2020/by IPS

Looking to 2021 Through a New Lens

No one could have imagined 2020 would be such a challenging year…
December 10, 2020/by IPS

Up in Smoke: Marijuana is Erasing Decades of Progress Toward Smoke-Free Environments

Download 'Up in Smoke' Infographic.
A recent Los Angeles…
December 1, 2020/by IPS

Substance Abuse Is A Public Health Issue, Yet Sketchy Policies Have Ruined Many POC Lives

As seen on Blavity.
The blame lies not just with policy makers,…
November 12, 2020/by IPS

IPS to present on community transformation model, GIS as an equity indicator at the APHA’s prestigious annual conference

SAN DIEGO, October 2020 - Two Institute for Public Strategies…
October 21, 2020/by IPS
Focus Areas

Institute for Public Strategies unveils next generation vision, mission, core values under new CEO/President

New corporate website also launched in October 2020 at
October 13, 2020/by IPS
Covid-19 Effects Election

Voters are Being Disenfranchised During COVID. What Can We Do About It?

First, it was images of mailboxes being carted away in pick-up…
October 8, 2020/by IPS
Census Buttons

Think the census is no big deal? Think again.

While all eyes are on the Democratic National Convention and…
August 18, 2020/by IPS
Geospacial Solutions

Transform Communities Using Geospatial Solutions

As seen on GovLoop.

Since 1992, the Institute for Public Strategies…
August 5, 2020/by IPS
Social Justice

5 Questions that Incorporate Racial Equity into Public Policy – Part 2

As seen on GovLoop.

Policymakers must consider racial equity…
July 30, 2020/by IPS

Geographic information systems helping southwest U.S. Mexico border residents improve health and safety

Partnerships 4 Success project addresses conditions that lead…
July 22, 2020/by IPS
Social Justice

5 Questions That Incorporate Racial Equity Into Public Policy – Part I

As seen on GovLoop.

When developing public policies, racial…
July 15, 2020/by IPS
Tramatized Child

Positive Childhood Experiences Can Combat Traumatic Effects of COVID-19

The debate over whether to allow students to return to school…
July 14, 2020/by IPS
Media Advocacy

Controlling a Media Interview

As seen on GovLoop.

A number of things can happen that will…
July 7, 2020/by IPS

Businesses and Public Health: Allies, Not Adversaries

The storyline has been consistent throughout the pandemic: economic…
July 7, 2020/by IPS
GIS in Public Health

The Role of GIS in Public Health

As seen on GovLoop.

Geographic information systems (GIS) answer…
June 24, 2020/by IPS
Load more

Is the Business of America Really Business? Or Should it Benefit All of Society?

The business of America is business. That famous quote is attributed…

IPS to Lead Sessions at the NPN Conference

SAN DIEGO, July 2023 – IPS is pleased to announce that several…

Taxing Alcohol to Protect Public Health and Safety Is a Good Thing

Most people cringe at the idea of paying more taxes, including…

“Unity in the Community” Mural is Unveiled

The six-year project, co-led by IPS’ sister agency, demonstrates…

How the “Housing Theory of Everything” Can Help Explain Alcohol and Other Drug Problems

Up until the 1980s, common knowledge held that preventing addiction…
Group of community advocates banning together

Creating a Prevention Campaign That Works

Lessons learned from tobacco control hold value for future efforts In…

IPS Expands Tobacco Prevention Efforts

Agency awarded two new grants from the Los Angeles County Department…
IPS 30th Anniversary Logo

IPS Celebrates 30 Years Leading Projects Around the Nation

SAN DIEGO, December 2022 - “Equity is not a path forward,…

Tobacco Prevention 2.0: Integrating Equity into Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing

Protecting the health and safety of everyone requires a new approach…

California’s New Composting Law Takes on Climate Change

It’s no secret that the first to be impacted by the devastating…

This Election Cycle, Vote with Redistricting in Mind

California received a facelift this year in the form of a dramatic…

Juneteenth at IPS: Historical Oppression and Upstream Prevention

On June 19, 1865, U.S. General Gordon Granger led federal troops…