Entries by IPS

Tobacco Prevention 2.0: Integrating Equity into Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing

Protecting the health and safety of everyone requires a new approach to policy When it comes to housing vulnerable populations, tobacco prevention is essential. Tens of millions of Americans live in multi-unit housing (apartment buildings, condominiums, and other tightly-clustered living arrangements). A significant percentage of this housing is subsidized by the government. Smoke-free building policies, which […]

California’s New Composting Law Takes on Climate Change

It’s no secret that the first to be impacted by the devastating effects of climate change are those who are already the most vulnerable. The startling and unprecedented changes to the natural world—caused, at least in part, by human activity—individuals that are already struggling are likely to bear the burden of environmental collapse. Already, researchers […]

This Election Cycle, Vote with Redistricting in Mind

California received a facelift this year in the form of a dramatic new redistricting plan that leaves the state’s political landscape barely recognizable, yet full of opportunities for new representatives to lead their regions. The changes have come at all levels of government, from city councils to Congress. They provide new opportunities for some communities […]

Juneteenth at IPS: Historical Oppression and Upstream Prevention

On June 19, 1865, U.S. General Gordon Granger led federal troops to Galveston, Texas — one of the few remaining areas of the deep south that had held resistance late into the Civil War. As General Granger stepped foot on that arid soil, he brought with him orders which stated that all slaves were to […]

IPS Honored for its Work Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community

LOS ANGELES, April 6, 2022 – The Institute for Public Strategies has been recognized by the City of West Hollywood with a proclamation for its work hosting a drug- and alcohol-free New Year’s Eve party known as #BOOM!. The event draws hundreds of attendees annually and is now in its 9th year. IPS produces #BOOM! […]

Do Harm Reduction Practices Help People Stop Using Drugs?

Drug overdose deaths reached a record high during the pandemic. By April 2021, more than 100,000 people died from an overdose, a 30% increase over the prior year, according to government statistics. The trend has some public health and elected officials looking toward a solution that some would consider radical: harm reduction. For the first […]

Preventing Substance Misuse Continues to be a Top Priority in Los Angeles County

Three new contracts awarded to Institute for Public Strategies LOS ANGELES, February 2, 2022 – The Institute for Public Strategies (IPS) has been awarded three new contracts aimed at reducing alcohol and drug problems in Los Angeles County. The contracts will expand IPS’s prevention efforts in LA since 2012, engaging communities to prevent substance misuse […]

Looking to Empower Staff in 2022? Four Steps to Implementing a Peer Mentoring Program

Traditional mentorship in the workplace has focused on connecting an expert with someone new to the workforce. Workplace mentoring programs have been shown to benefit staff. They increase engagement, improve retention, and provide opportunities to develop skills. In the last decade, technological advancements and the influx of a younger labor force have tipped workplace mentoring […]