Prevention Policy Research Council (PPRC)
For more than three decades, IPS has worked with researchers nationwide to implement successful population-level environmental prevention projects with grants funded by the federal government, states, and private foundations. To broaden its relationship with researchers and ensure that public health interventions are effective, sustainable and equitable with the disadvantaged communities we serve IPS formed the Prevention Policy Research Council (PPRC).
The Vision
Health starts where people live, learn, work and play. IPS recognizes that healthy life outcomes are in direct correlation when it comes to addressing and mitigating substance use disorders in conjunction with a myriad of negative physical and social environments. IPS acknowledges that poverty, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), community trauma, and toxic stress are connected to substance abuse and influenced by structural racism and historical disinvestment in marginalized communities. The Prevention Policy Research Council (PPRC) is comprised of individuals who have conducted and published relevant scientific research and promising practices that address substance use disorders’ health and social impacts in conjunction with other Social Determinants of Health. PPRC members include university researchers who are committed to engaged scholarship and have a proven track record of not just directing their energies toward the academic community but also promising to connect campus resources and activities toward tackling pressing social issues.
Our Promise
Community Organizing and Media Advocacy are core competencies at IPS. We are confident we can assist scientists in finding target populations for their research while raising public awareness and political support for effective interventions. We have implemented numerous high-profile strategic media campaigns influencing policymakers and funders. We are eager to utilize those skills to assist scientists in promoting their studies and obtaining new research dollars. We recruit researchers for the PPRC that are guided by Principles of Partnership established by the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health in order promote health equity and social justice. Our focus is also on recruiting researchers from universities who have received the Community Engagement status from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the nation’s leading framework for categorizing diverse American colleges and universities.
About the PPRC Chairperson
Richard Yoast, Ph.D., now retired and a long-serving member of the IPS Board of Directors, is the chair the PPRC. Mr. Yoast directed the American Medical Association (AMA) Office of Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles. He was the lead AMA scientist on substance use disorder prevention. He also ran two Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) National Program Offices on alcohol policy, advocacy, and implementation involving partnerships between universities and municipalities in ten states.
PPRC Membership
Past IPS Evaluated Projects/Research
- NIAAA/PIRE Community Trails
- San Diego/Tijuana Border Project
- Montana SPF-SIG
- Louisiana Statewide Safety Seat Belt
- NHTSA Traffic Safety
- Edward Byrne Grants: Safe Border Communities Project, San Bernardino