Tools For Change

IPS’s Toolkit consists of a suite of tools to assist advocates, community groups, prevention practitioners, and policymakers in achieving community transformation. IPS’s tools are for practical application in the field, supporting all functions necessary for creating community-level change: Media Advocacy, Data & Research, Sustainability, Policy & Systems Change, and Community Organizing. For a broader look at our full Toolkit, contact us.

Act ModelThe ACT Model

IPS’s Approach to Community Transformation (ACT) Model is our proven framework for creating lasting population-level change and advancing equity. The ACT Model is an upstream approach. Its six components strategically intersect to transform communities and to address social, cultural, physical, environmental, political, economic, and institutional barriers to equity.

The ACT Model has been utilized in communities around the nation. It is applied in partnership with community members.

Media Advocacy

We are committed to elevating the voices of those directly affected by societal problems and emboldening them to take action. Strategic media advocacy drives change forward, increases engagement, frames the public dialogue and puts pressure on decision makers. It demonstrates momentum and marks progress toward sustainability. Media plans work alongside organizing plans to ensure efforts are aligned, timely, flexible and community driven. IPS’s media tools will assist with some of the most important aspects of media planning: overarching communications goals and timelines, calls to action, relevant data inclusion, and spokesperson training.

Talking To Media


Data & Research

We are committed to achieving positive, measurable change. IPS’s data and research tools provide a method for capturing, compiling, and analyzing local data. Assessment of the physical, social and institutional conditions in communities allows organizers to better understand community problems from the inside out – to listen, track and examine structures that support unhealthy conditions as well as identify gaps in resources that enable positive change.


For community change to be lasting, sustainability must be a consideration from the beginning. Important programmatic advances must be preserved. IPS’s sustainability tools provide a framework for assessing the various contextual and programmatic factors that are critical to that preservation. By tracking and analyzing partnerships, capacity, strategic planning, and more, stakeholders can identify specific areas for improvement or expansion, promote accountability, demonstrate success, and even attract additional funding.

Contact us to learn more about our sustainability workshops.

Family Group

Policy & Systems Change

We are committed to advancing healthy social, economic, and physical environments. Change requires the institution of community-level practices and policies that support wellness, vibrant businesses, and engaged community members. Tools found here provide an integration of the ACT Model components to assure that strategic planning of policy and systems change is taken into consideration in every aspect of upstream prevention programs.

Community Organizing

Effective community organizing is strategic and intentional. Tools used before, during, and after organizing for change help us better understand the capacity and willingness of partners, including decision makers, to unite for change, move policy forward, and work collaboratively on what are oftentimes difficult issues. Coalition capacity surveys, when administered early and late in a campaign, provide a solid indicator of increased skills, changes in perceptions, and readiness.
